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rocksnake in action
The following customers use and work with our products in daily and proffesional use. This list is only an extract and is shown in alphabetical order...
The ADAC air rescue uses our products at the following stations, in some cases for over 5 years now:
- ADAC Luftrettung - Christoph 1 - München
- ADAC Luftrettung – Christoph 20 – Bayreuth
- ADAC Luftrettung - Christoph 32 - Ingolstadt
- ADAC Luftrettung – Christoph 33 - Senftenberg
- ADAC Luftrettung - Christoph 61 - Leipzig
- ADAC Luftrettung - Christoph Leipzig
- ADAC Luftrettung - Christoph Murnau
- ADAC Luftrettung - Christoph Rheinland - Köln
Aiut Alpin Dolomites is the Ladin name for "alpine help in the Dolomites". And that's what they're doing very well with our products for about 6 years now. Since last year they're using the new Docsnake 48.
The Tyrolean mountain rescue is directly a part of the Rocksnake history. Many products have been developed with and for the professional use in alpine Terrain. And that for over 7 years now. Almost all of the 93 local branches in Tirol are using these products.
The Bavarian mountain rescue uses various rocksnake products, deoending on preparedness. From the Cobra 44 Docsnake, which was also used at the alpine World-Cup in Garmisch, to the Docwinder in Berchtesgaden.
A complete set of 2 different Cobra 44 Docsnake, which complement each other and build on each other, are used by all of the Black Forest mountain rescue staff.
Our Cobra 40 Partolleur backpacks are used by all readiness of the Bergwacht (mountain rescue) Württemberg. The new Docsnake 48 is part of the equipment now as well.
The emergency medical vehicles of the Cologne fire department have been driving with the Rocksnake equipment for 2 years now.
The Federal Ministry of the Interior of Germany also operates many air rescue bases. Our products include the following stations:
- BMI - Christoph 3 - Köln
- BMI - Christoph 7 - Kassel
- BMI - Christoph 12 - Eutin
- BMI - Christoph 13 - Bielefeld
- BMI - Christoph 14 - Traunstein
- BMI - Christoph 17 - Kempten
- BMI - Christoph 34 - Güstrow
- BMI – Christoph 62 - Bautzen
The Christophorus air rescue is also and "early hour" organization. Our Docsnake series and also the thermal rescue bag goes back to the development with leading flight rescuer Josef Redolfi and Heini Willmann. The complete fleet of Christophorus air rescue has been using our products in 28 helicopters for more than 7 years. From practice for practise, that's what we're standing for.
The DFR fleet uses our procucts at these following stations:
- DRF - Christoph 4 Hannover
- DRF - Christoph 11 - Villingen Schwenningen
- DRF - Christoph 54 - Freiburg
- DRF - Christoph München
- DRF - Christoph Nürnberg
- DRF - Christoph Regensburg
- DRF - Christoph Thüringen – Bad Berka
- DRF/ARA - RK1 - Fresach
- DRF/ARA - RK2 – Reutte
The emergency doctor of the district Reutte is driving with our emergency medical backpacks.
The SHS 2011 replaced the Cobra 44 Docsnake by a very efficient and light backpack System, which consists of 2 special connectable Viper 17 V /17 V plus and a sidewinder.
The most important Goal of the Chur rescue ist to provide patients with the best possible technical and human care. Our backpacks also do their part for that.
The rescue team from Zermatt, together with Air Zermatt and their boss Bruno Jelk, are very satisfied with our backpacks.
The "plaster bombers" are flying from Innsbruck since 1976. Since 2007 they're using Rocksnake products to safely bring 3000 patients back to Austria each year.
Vereinigung der Rettungschefs und Patrouilleure der Schweiz »